Events in Barcelona:2022:05:Emerging Markets Forum: The world in 2060 COM/EN


Emerging Markets Forum: The world in 2060

May 20

11:30 am

Relive the event

Emerging Markets Forum is an accredited non-profit organisation dedicated to developing dialogue on the economic, financial and social issues facing emerging market economies. EMF advocates for greater dialogue between government and corporate leaders through its global forum and regional forums.

For this event we will have two keynote speakers: firstly, Harinder Kohli (Founding Director and Chief Executive of Emerging Markets Forum) who will present Enthe Main Findings of the book: Envisioning 2060 - Main Findings and Take Aways accompanied by Sylvie Naville (Executive Director of Emerging Markets Forum).

Finally, Enrique García (Co-Chair of the Emerging Markets Forum and former President of the Corporación Andina de Fomento) will present Latin America Facing the Challenges of the Post-Pandemic Era together with Pedro Ralda (Head of Content at Both People & Comms).

*Event in English.