Events in Barcelona:2023:04:From the track to the streets: racing as a way to transfer technology COM/EN

Urban Mobility

From the track to the streets: racing as a way to transfer technology

April 18

6:30 pm

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How can racing help transfer technology and knowledge in the automotive sector?

In a fun, informal chat, renowned Motorsport journalist Albert Fabrega and Head of CUPRA RACING Xavier Serra will share their experiences in the industry and how racing has influenced their work.

Albert Fabrega
is a passionate, respected journalist in the world of motorsport with extensive experience and technical knowledge of racing and Formula 1. His programme Fabregalecciones shares his vision and analysis of races, exploring topics like technology, race strategy and drivers. His articles are known for being highly detailed and backed by deep knowledge of the industry.

Xavier Serra
is the current head of CUPRA RACING, responsible for the CUPRA strategy for racing all over the world. His experience in the industry has made him an important figure in the racing world and a champion of the role technological innovation plays in successful outcomes.

A unique opportunity to learn about the technological innovations applied in a race and how they can be transferred to manufacturing other vehicles. If you’re interested in the automotive sector and want to learn about how racing can be a source of inspiration and knowledge, don’t miss this talk!

Get your ticket at the following link.