What is our relationship with the dead? How do we remember them? What secrets do the images we have left of them hold? These are some of the questions explored in Anoxia (Anagrama, 2023), the new novel by Miguel Ángel Hernández. The story of Dolores, owner of a photography studio on the verge of closure, will be the starting point for this new session of Literary Cafés. The writer and literary critic Jorge Carrión will talk to Hernández about the process of creation of this work, the author's previous works and his artistic influences.
Miguel Ángel Hernández (Murcia, 1977) is a lecturer in Art History at the University of Murcia. He has been director of CENDEAC, Research Fellow at the Clark Art Institute (Williamstown, Massachusetts) and Society Fellow at the Society for the Humanities (Cornell University). In Anagrama he has published the novels Intento de escapada (Premio Ciudad Alcalá de Narrativa), El instante de peligro (finalist of the XXXIII Premio Herralde de Novela) and El dolor de los demás (Premio Libro Murciano del Año), and the short essay El don de la siesta.
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