Events in Barcelona:2023:04:Literary Cafés: Podcasts and literature COM/EN

Urban Culture

Literary Cafés: Podcasts and literature

April 22

12:30 pm

Book your ticket

Are podcasts cutting into the time we spend reading or are they encouraging us to read more? Are the scripts for fictional podcasts literature or is that classification reserved only for books? If we listen to the audiobook, can we say we’ve read it? Writer and literary critic Jorge Carrión, poet Jaime Rodríguez Zeta and writer Bob Pop will discuss the possibilities of podcasts, their experience as creators of this format and their influence on literature and the publishing sector.

For this event, we’re offering the chance to get a TOP Experience, which in addition to two of the best seats in the auditorium includes a culinary experience at our restaurant just after the concert, for €42 for two people.

Get your ticket at the following link.