Celebrate the Tardeo del Amor this Valentine's Day, with El Tardet and the contagious rhythm of rumba.
May 30
6:30 pm
For the publication of Óscar Peña’s book “Metaversos. La gran revolución inmersiva”, we would like to invite you to reflect on this innovation that is considered the great revolution of immersive Internet and a turning point that will change the course of technology, the economy and society as we know them. During the event, the author will explain how technology and society have evolved so that we can talk about metaverses today, with examples of good practices from large corporations in a panel discussion featuring:
- Ignasi Prieto, Global Marketing Director, SEAT and CUPRA.
- Patrick Sievers, Global Head of CUPRA Brand Experience.
- Daniel Rocafort, CEO, Visyon.
- Raúl Cruz, COO and Head of Strategy, Visyon.
- David Urbano, Director of IMAGIN.
- Marta de Pablos, Head of New Business Vodafone España.