Celebrate the Tardeo del Amor this Valentine's Day, with El Tardet and the contagious rhythm of rumba.
May 20th
Tools for 2021 and experiences made in 2020.
2020 was a very complicated year during which many festivities were cancelled. However, some towns continued to go ahead, exploring different approaches in order to adapt to the exceptional circumstances and successfully carry out the local festival. We have invited representatives from four municipalities that represent different situations, both in terms of size and the way they have approached the situation. We will also have information on the tools provided by programa.cat and we will hear the voice of the artists: their vision of the situation and how they have redirected their shows towards new formats.
Discussion table with:
Daniel Granados: Director of Cultura Viva .- Ay BC
Illustrious. Mr. Mauricio Jiménez: Mayor of Platja d´Aro
Mrs. Marga Vilalta Solano: technical head of culture and heritage, department of culture and social heritage
Illustrious. Mrs. Alba Pijuan Vallverdú: Mayor of Tàrrega
Guillem Buhos: artist
Gemma Humet: artist
Suu: artist
Lluís Gavaldà: artist
Josep Reig: President of Musicat