Events in Barcelona:2020:07:A mobility new deal COM/EN

Networking | Digital event

A mobility new deal

01 July

01:00 PM

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CASA SEAT is hosting a new session in the series Infraestructuras y Movilidad para una Barcelona del siglo XXI (Infrastructures and Mobility for a 21st-century Barcelona), organised by Cercle d’Economia. This panel discussion on the future of mobility will be broadcast live online, featuring political and business representatives: Alfonso Gil (Bilbao city councillor for Mobility and Sustainability), Jordi Hereu (president of Idencity), Vicente Segura (partner for Strategic Consulting and Operations at Deloitte) and Lucas Casasnovas (head of SEAT MÓ).

You can follow it live on the Cercle d'Economia YouTube channel. The direct link will be available on this page from 1:00 pm on Wednesday 1 July.